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Q: My baby if often exagitated and cry, what's the point?

We, parents, are so arrogant and concentrated on ourself that sometimes we forget to share our true life with our dears. Eventually if the baby is very active he will need more stimulus to feed its curiosity and wonderings about the world. In the limit of the possible, enpowering a baby from the youth starting with some small stuff helps a lot.
Q: Does exist some good preschool books for my baby?

In Italy we tried the preschool books by Giunti and they proofed to be good.
Q: How can we fix our girl approach to boys?

From our own experience girls manifesting severe and difficult problems with boys comes from the unbalanced presence of the two parents: often the girl is left to the presence of the mom (the parent of the same gander), overwhelming and by conseguence never the less "politically uncorrect". The daddy should be the "driving force".
Q: I'm superbusy, how can I care about my baby?

Granparents help caring about the baby is often considered a great luck. We think however two stuff are very important: the relationship with the other gander and the role game. As girls love daddies and boys love moms it is over all important that a significant and proper attention to your baby comes from the opposite gander. Indeed caring about your baby it is the last role game: mom should be affective, moody, dreaming; daddy should often the boss. Anything new?
Q: Is there anything I missed to gift to my baby?

Technology today offers a great learning experience that yesterday we completely missed: the touch technology. A tablet is an affordable compagnon for our babies in learning logic to approach, do and invent stuff. Kids Mode software usually offers most of the answers to problems arising approaching technology at this early age.
Q: Does exist a good thermometer for my baby?

It is not easy to find out a good thermometer to check your own baby temperature. Some thermo scanners for ear are often a solution and Brawn themo scanners are our own personal suggestion.
Q: How can my baby start to learn my own language?

According to recent studies, babies are more easy to speak languages, to learn their facets and accents starting to listen to them during the first 12 months of life.

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